Violence in Venezuela: Students on the Rise

Venezuela: The CIA Never Dies

Since President Maduro took power, protesters have been in the streets, and the Venezuelan government has tried to crackdown effectively. There have been five reported fatalities, but scores of arrests and injuries have occurred in the student-based protest.

The demands of the Venezuelan protest are these so far: Maduro resigns from office, ending of political suppression, and a government focused on providing a stable economic environment for the students to eventually enter.

Tachira, a city in Venezuela and the base for most of the protests, has been officially closed down in terms of the government and businesses in the most recent months, but Maduro has stated “he will not let the students make Tachira into war-torn Benghazi.”

In an attempt to rally the people to his cause, Maduro has used the old South American tactic of “CIA-funded conspiracy” against the protesters and anything President Barack Obama has stated. He’s gone so far to label the protesters as “fascist groups” seeking to overthrow his peaceful and democratic government. He has labelled President Obama’s most recent statements as a “gross interference.”

The “face of the opposition”, Leopoldo Lopez, has been officially arrested by the Venezuelan government, after the 5 deaths. He gave himself up to the police, and since that arrest was made, protests have increased and agitation versus the government seems unlikely to decrease any time soon.

The impacts on Venezuela from all this are the following: The have a poor economy as it is and the protest in various cities have led to several days of goods shortages, part induced by the Maduro regime and part induced by the inability to safely conduct business.

Should we seek to act in some manner in Venezuela, or are verbal statements of support for protesters enough?

Opinion of Michael McKinney & Michael Tagan: Interactions in Venezuela are still at the beginning of a protest. Should at some point, human rights begin to massively violated, then we can consider actions. However, I might be willing to point out to President Maduro that the FARC operate in Columbia and Venezuela and the United States does not recognize the FARC as a source of legitimate power, and they are true fascists. We Americans have a proud internal tradition of political expression, something which directly violates the tenants of Fascism and Communism. And any time Maduro is willing to align himself with the a similar set of reforms laid down by Senators in the 60s for Cuba, America would be more than willing to financially aid and rebuild Venezuela. And I might be even willing to throw a larger bone, saying that if you have elections right now, and you allow for 3rd party observers of the elections from Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay, then we’ll offer an initial stimulus bailout to your state right now. Regardless of who wins the elections, if you consent to regional observation and limiting of voter intimidation, we’ll show our support for your attempts to democratize your state.

“Transition isn’t easy, President Maduro, and we know ourselves that compromise is even harder. But sometimes we all must walk through a political hell so that way our great nations can thrive. I’m sure that if Venezuela embraces its people’s desires, it too can experience a rise in economy and power.”

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